We love our community and we want to see it thrive! Since we moved here just a few years ago we’ve learned that the people of Anderson have kind and compassionate hearts. Nothing demonstrates this truth more than the huge number of agencies founded to address needs and issues in our area. It’s fun to watch people’s reaction when they first see our Community Resource Guide. Almost everyone has the same response, “I had no idea there were that many!” That’s good news, and yet sometimes not so good. So many choices it’s hard to navigate. Our hope is to help in the process.

We created this website to help you discover these wonderful agencies from two perspectives: as a service provider and as a place to serve.

Here’s a one-page fact sheet for the Anderson County Community Resource Guide.

24-06 CRG Fact Sheet

First and foremost, we want you to be able to find something you need. We created the Community Resource Guide as a pocket-sized brochure that gives you a quick overview of services that are available to you when you need help. The website provides a lot more detail than our small paper guide could possibly contain. Our hope is you can find your way around the pages here quickly and easily.

Second, and just as important, we want you to find a place to serve. You don’t need to start a new non-profit organization! Seriously! There are probably two or three already operating in our area. The challenge is most often finding out who is doing the very thing that you’re passionate about. That brings up another important issue: matching your gifts, abilities, passions, etc., to a need in the community.

Connecting the Dots

In our experience, connecting the dots requires two components. We’ve been talking about all kinds of service providers in our area, but what is the issue that keeps you up at night? We would love to meet with your staff, small group, or large group and help you discover your gifts and passions. The exercise will likely confirm what you already know, but it will help you prioritize your passions and enable you to connect with other people that are excited about similar issues.

Contact us to set up a meeting and discuss how to engage with your group. This is completely FREE, of course, it’s part of our calling and passion for our community. This is what we do!


  • Zoë Hale – Researching area service providers and collecting tons of information. Quickly discovered others wanted to know. Air Force for 27+ years (retired), AmeriCorps VISTA 2018-2019.
  • Dave Phillips – Heart for community outreach. Led Community Needs and Assets Survey in 2016; served in various church positions. Air Force for 16+ years (retired), currently, Creative Assessment Architect for Healthy Growing Leaders.


  • We want to meet with service providers so we can tell other people what they do and learn about current needs.
  • We are curators of information–accuracy matters!
  • The Guide is divided into 20+ categories that we hope are the most relevant for those who have limited access to or understanding of the internet.
  • We want it to be easy to read and navigate by those who need services or those who are trying to help someone.
  • The printed Resource Guide does not include everything! We continue to update the website, https://myresourceguide.org, with more information.



  • We want to represent your information well. We want to meet with you so we can learn about your organization, your needs, and the heart of why you exist.
  • We want to point people to you. As we meet with groups and individuals, we are looking for ways to connect people to you as those who need services and those who can volunteer to help.


  • We would like to help people find their calling and discover their passions through our 4-hour workshops then connect them to people and organizations in our community that is serving in their areas of passion.
  • We want to move people from a desire to serve to have a place to consistently volunteer. Passion PLUS connecting with someone who is meeting that desire is a true win-win scenario.
  • We are also helping the United Way of Anderson County update 2-1-1 for our county.