Here are a few key documents that support our study on Homelessness and Housing in Anderson County.

Indicators of Inclusive Prosperity, Brookings Institute


Neighborhoods with concentrated poverty are found in every major metropolitan area in the United States. These neighborhoods—defined as census tracts where at least 30% of residents live in poor households—are home to one in 15 U.S. residents, including nearly one in five Black people and one in eight Latino or Hispanic people.

Methodology: Reducing Poverty without Community Displacement

This document describes the full methodology used to formulate the analytical results shared in this report. The analyses produced for this paper focus on three research questions that look at different aspects of neighborhoods with concentrated poverty:

    1. Current state: How do neighborhoods with concentrated poverty compare to other census tracts using the most recently released data?
    2. Changes over time: How have neighborhoods with concentrated poverty changed when comparing data from two points in time: 2000 and 2015?
    3. Indicators of large decreases in poverty rates without community displacement: How were neighborhoods that experienced a large decrease in poverty rates with no community displacement different from other poor communities when comparing data from two points in time: 2000 and


Direct Links:

Methodology_Reducing poverty without community displacement Brookings 2022

Indicators-of-inclusive-prosperity_Brookings 2022