Version 1.1 of our Online Community Resource Guide has been out for a while, but not everyone knows about the features and what we’re trying to accomplish with this tool.

The Online edition offers additional resources along with features that take advantage of using the internet. As you might expect, you can search and filter across all categories or search within a category. One of the features I like best is the ability to bookmark resources and create a printer-friendly list of just those items bookmarked.

Here’s a YouTube video that provides a walk-thru for all of the online features

Online Resource Guide “Card”


  1. Category Icon and Color. Each category has a unique icon and color to make it easy to identify.
  2. Bookmark. Click (or tap) to toggle the bookmark. Use the Bookmark List (menu item) to view a printer friendly version of all bookmarks.
  3. Resource name. The heading of each card has the name associated with this resource for this service provider.
  4. Summary. This is our attempt to summarize what this resource is all about.
  5. Link to Google Maps. Based on the address on file, this link takes you to Google Maps for location and navigation.
  6. Category name. This name matches the printed resource guide category. Note: Some are online only.
  7. Flip button. Click or tap this icon to show the reverse side of the card.


  1. Link to category page (Curator’s page). This will either link to the generic “categories” page or the specific page if we have one for the category.
  2. Link to (if available). Our goal is for every resource to be listed in SC211, but this is optional for the service provider and is based on SC211 rules.
  3. Details for this resource. This example shows a service provider with all the details. Some might not have hours or detailed contact info. Hotlines probably won’t have an address. Most won’t have tags, but that’s a feature that will continue to grow.
  4. Link to this resource’s website. This will open a new tab and show the service provider’s website.