There is no competition when it comes to those afflicted with addiction. It takes a village! Take some time to read this powerful testimony.
Peyton’s Story
Hey, my name is Peyton Caldwell and this is my story.
Why are you hiding? I heard in a still small voice. Hiding was the only way I knew how to keep the wreckage in my Life a secret. Shame had come and stolen every bit of Joy and Purpose and was tearing me apart. I was hopelessly addicted to any drug I could find but I found that methamphetamine would fix something in me I knew that was broken. I didn’t know what it was exactly, but now I know that it was Peace that only God can provide that I was seeking in a counterfeit source.
This drug had framed my life; it told me who I was and when I was close to running out, I had to get more. More, more, I always needed more and it was never enough!
It was August of 2016 and I found myself in a men’s rehab facility for all the wrong reasons. I had previously gotten arrested for distribution and was in Fear of losing my “freedom” as if I knew what that was so I went to rehab to “make it look good to the courts.” While there I met a Light and that Light came in the form of Bradley Saxon. He spoke with authority and love and I knew this man carried something my Spirit had been aching for.
Months later I found myself in the same old patterns of addiction and hopelessness but I had a friend now and I would listen to him Preach and I took every word to heart and I began to listen to God speak to me through Him. I would find myself under the influence, strung out, and walking through the doors into His Raw meetings. After the meeting, they would offer to give me a bed in a local rehab but I knew I wasn’t ready….Yet! I don’t know if I would have ever been “ready” to get the help I knew I needed.
In October of 2017, my choices led me to plead into the Anderson Adult Drug Court Program where quickly due to many failed drug tests I was placed in jail to await a bed in an inpatient rehab facility. For once I was relieved and could rest knowing that I was out of my own way.
December 8th, 2017 I was released and was on my way to Miracle Hill Overcomers in Greenville, South Carolina. They placed a Bible in my hand and I began to learn how to trust God’s word and learned that Jesus lives in and through me. Believing in Him we are empowered by His Holy Spirit, we need His power to get through every good and bad experience Life pitches at us.
August 2018 I chose to enter the year-long Homes of Hope Men’s Workforce Development Program where I continued to seek God and was taught how to build and run circuitry through homes we built for people struggling to find affordable housing. They lined me up to become a desirable employee and in May I was hired at Carolina Power as an Electricians Apprentice.
During this whole process, I have remained connected to Raw, the Bridge Center, and Bradley and can tell you that this relationship has strengthened and encouraged me to open my heart fully to God.
Almost 3 years later and I have a community of Men and Women that I feel at home when I am around them. At The Bridge Center Recovery, everyone is welcomed and Loved and it is a place where God speaks to you right where you are no matter how broken, you see at least when we know were broken we can be Fixed! I stand here today full of Gratitude and Wonder of how I got here almost two years clean and sober and full of Joy!